Saratoga Battle Chapter SAR
Saratoga Battle Chapter

2015 Annual Meeting and
Washington's Birthday Dinner

Century House, Latham, NY

Submitted by: George Malinoski

All photos courtesy of Duane Booth

The Chapter held its Annual Meeting and Washington's Birthday Dinner, at the Century House in Latham on February 21st, 2015, with 31 members and guests in attendance.

President Tom Dunne

President Tom Dunne

Chapter President Tom Dunne called the meeting to order with a roll call of officers. Chaplain Charles Wheeler gave the invocation. Schuyler Society C.A.R. Vice-President Benjamin Gallant led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge to the SAR was led by 1st Vice-President George Malinoski. President Dunne welcomed Col. (ret.) Peter K. Goebel, Vice President General of the North Atlantic District SAR and Duane Booth, President Empire State Society SAR. Chaplain Charles Wheeler was asked by President Dunne to lead us in a prayer for our departed compatriots: Clyde Childs, James O'Brien, Gary Rounds, Arthur Rockwell, and Clark Mead, Jr.

Acting Secretary Richard Fullam read the minutes; Treasurer Gallant gave the Treasurer's report; Registrar Tom Dunne gave the Membership/Registrar's Report which showed the Chapter's membership now stands at 183. President Tom Dunne reported that he attended the following meetings and events on behalf of Saratoga Battle Chapter:

  • 2 October 2014- Meeting of the new Thousand Island Chapter, ESSAR. ESSSAR President Duane Booth presented a framed charter and engraved gavel to the new chapter. Saratoga Battle Chapter also made a donation to Thousand Islands Chapter.
  • 17 October 2014- the Surrender Ceremony at Ft. Hardy State Park in Schuylerville.
  • 1 November 2014- Attended an ESSSAR meeting and received a 2013-2014 flag streamer for Saratoga Battle Chapter because of the Chapter's contribution of $1,000 to the Center for Advancing America's Heritage.

ESSSAR President Duane Booth proposed a motion to automatically donate $50 to the charity of choice for deceased Saratoga Battle Chapter compatriots or to the SAR Foundation if no such charity was listed in the obituary. The chapter president will send a sympathy card to the departed's family and notify the ESSSAR newsletter editor, chapter database administrator, and ESSSAR secretary who will then inform National of the Compatriot's passing. The motion was approved.

ESSSAR President Duane Booth proposed a motion to pay Danielle McMullen, our long time vocalist for the Citizenship Day ceremony at the Saratoga Battlefield, a $100 stipend. The motion was approved.

Acting Secretary Richard Fullam announced to the chapter that New York State's National Park quarter portraying the British surrender at Saratoga was going to be formally released by the U.S. Mint on Tuesday November 17 at 9 AM at the Schuylerville High School. This being a unique event, he encouraged all in the SAR / DAR / C.A.R. to attend if possible.

President Dunne recessed the meeting for dinner. Upon the completion of dinner:

Vice President General Peter Goebel presented a flag streamer to the Chapter for meeting NSSAR President General Dooley's Initiative of the Mt. Vernon Washington Portrait Request program to donate a portrait of George Washington to a local school. Augustine Academy in Mechanicville received Saratoga Battle's contribution.

Vice President General Peter Goebel and President Tom Dunne

Vice President General Peter Goebel and President Tom Dunne

Vice President Peter Goebel presented President Tom Dunne with the Liberty Medal, for being the first line sponsor for ten new compatriots to the NSSAR. Two bronze oak leave clusters, each representing ten new members, accompanied this award.

ESSSAR President Duane Booth presented a replacement award of the Martha Washington Medal to Alice Goebel, in recognition for her outstanding service to the SAR. He also presented her the SAR Medal of Appreciation.

Mrs. Alice Goebel and ESSSAR President Duane Booth

Mrs. Alice Goebel and ESSSAR President Duane Booth

President Tom Dunne presented Compatriot Charles Wheeler with the War Service Medal with Vietnam bar.

President Tom Dunne and Chaplain Charles Wheeler

President Tom Dunne and Chaplain Charles Wheeler

President Tom Dunne presented the following compatriots with certificates of appreciation and SAR key rings in recognition to their service during his term as chapter president:

Duane Booth, Dennis Booth, Karl Danneil, Douglas Gallant, Peter Goebel, George Malinoski, Dennis Marr, and Charles Wheeler.

Chapter Genealogist Dennis Marr, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, read the proposed slate of officers for the 2015-2017 term:

  • President - George Malinoski
  • 1st Vice President - Douglas Gallant
  • 2nd Vice President - Michael Companion
  • Secretary - Patrick Reilly
  • Treasurer - Douglas Gallant
  • Registrar - Thomas Dunne
  • Genealogist - Dennis Marr
  • Historian - Karl Danneil
  • Chaplain - Charles Wheeler

A motion to close the nomination of officers was proposed and approved. Acting Secretary Richard Fullam cast a single ballot to make the vote unanimous.

(L-R) President George Malinoski; Genealogist Dennis Marr; Chaplain Charles Wheeler; Secretary Patrick Reilly; Past President Tom Dunne; Historian Karl Danneil; 1st VP Douglas Gallant; and seated is Past President Richard Fullam

(L-R) President George Malinoski; Genealogist Dennis Marr; Chaplain Charles Wheeler; Secretary Patrick Reilly; Past President Tom Dunne; Historian Karl Danneil; 1st VP Douglas Gallant; and seated is Past President Richard Fullam

Vice President General Peter Goebel escorted the new officers to the front of the room and presented them to the chapter. ESSSAR President Duane Booth swore the officers in and presented incoming president George Malinoski with the chapter gavel.

ESSSAR President Duane Booth and Chapter President George Malinoski

ESSSAR President Duane Booth and Chapter President George Malinoski

President George Malinoski presented Tom Dunne with a certificate of appreciation and Past Chapter President pin, and made some brief remarks to the chapter.

Past President Tom Dunne and Chapter President George Malinoski

Past President Tom Dunne and Chapter President George Malinoski

The meeting was concluded with Chaplin Wheeler giving the Benediction; Vice President General Peter Goebel leading us in the American's Creed and President George Malinoski leading us in the SAR Recessional. The meeting was adjourned until Sunday, September 20, 2015.

Chapter President George Malinoski

Chapter President George Malinoski


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